The Food Diary Project

About the project

  • The Food Diary is a desktop app for managing food diary entries, optimized with a Command Line Interface (CLI) and packaged with a Graphical User Interface (GUI).

  • The Food Diary caters to food-passionate NUS students who would ideally benefit from keeping records of food options tasted in the vicinity of NUS.

  • The Food Diary will allow students to save time and effort when finding places to eat around the NUS vicinity.

My Contributions to the project

  • Code Contributed: RepoSense Link
  • Enhancements implemented:
    • Add On command
      • This command Allows users to quickly add on parameters like Price and Reviews to existing Food Diary Entries.
      • Previously reviews and prices cannot be added to a Food Diary Entry (e.g. KFC) With this add on command, users are able to add multiple reviews and a price range easily, without have to delete and add a brand new entry
    • Refactored the Food Diary entries to contain multiple reviews instead of being restricted to a single review
    • Added a price range to the Food Diary entries
  • Contributions to User Guide:
    • AddOn command details
    • Keyboard Shortcuts Summary
    • Glossary
  • Contributions to Developer Guide:
    • Addon Command Use Case and UML diagrams
    • Addon Command implementation details
    • Add Command Use Case
  • Contributions to Team based tasks:
    • Helped out in setting up GitHub Team Repo
    • Solve merge conflicts and merge most of the pull requests
    • Refactor model and test codes from AB3 to fit FoodDiary
  • Mentoring Contributions:
    • Reviewed Pull Requests
    • Helped team members with github merging, forking workflow and git terminal commands
    • Suggested an elegant way to implement the revise command feature, without breaking the current architecture of the application
  • Contributions beyond the project team:
    • Helped user with issues opening jar file due to java version #158
    • Helped user who was failing some test cases when following the AB3 tutorial #160
    • Shared my recommendations for handling large text in sequence diagrams #258